Why Kontakt.io
No more costly, slow, and maintenance-heavy deployments. Kontakt.io offers speed, simplicity, and scale with the industry’s fastest time to value.
3.2+ Million
Active IoT Devices
End Users
Licensed Beds Impacted
Annual Patient Visits Served
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in Innovation
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We Fix the Heart of the Care Delivery Crisis
Hospitals are drowning in crises—plagued by waste, chaotic workflows, strained patient throughput, and severe staff shortages, costing $300 billion annually—$300,000 per hospital bed.
The heart of the problem? Fragmented, disjointed care operations force healthcare systems into constant crisis management, reacting to emergencies instead of anticipating and orchestrating care proactively.
Kontakt.io is on a mission to make healthcare better and more affordable by eliminating waste and aligning resources just-in-time with patient and staff needs. Right patient, right bed, right equipment, right staff, right time—every time.