
Top 10 Bluetooth Beacon Statistics

Looking for some inspiration? Wondering what’s happening in the beacon industry? We’ve got the numbers to get you up to date.

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Our Favorite Beacon Statistics!

Think of your favorite tech buzzwords. Big data. IoT. Blockchain. What about beacons? It can be difficult to determine whether a new technology is a passing fad or here to stay. We know that all of the above are here to stay even if we can’t foresee how they’ll be used in the coming decades. Bluetooth beacons first emerged in 2013 with a huge amount of interest and promise. Now, we’ve got 10 numbers to prove the technology is here to stay. Get comfy!

133% CAGR

Bluetooth beacons are expected to reach a 133% compound annual growth rate between 2016 and 2021 in personal tracking, retail, and advertising.

ABI Research

570 million devices

What happens when more users have instant access to Bluetooth Low Energy? The importance of Bluetooth tags and tagged items grows exponentially. So how many modern users already have access? This estimate suggests nearly 570 million Android and

Apple smartphones are out there, ready, and waiting right now.

BI Intelligence

75% of U.S. retailers

Looking for beacon-friendly shops? Proximity.Directory’s report found that 75% of U.S. retailers have already added beacons to their marketing mix. From Walmart to Walgreens and Apple Retail to Home Depot, beacons in retail are making the short list of hot tech tools for the modern retailer.


10,000% better results

Leave it to ELLE Magazine to get savvy and creative with beacons. Their deployments across American malls led to some of the most incredible results including 8.5% of their shoppers visiting a participating store. That’s 10,000% better results than the typical mobile advertising program.

ELLE, ShopAdvisor

45% CAGR in hospitals
The global indoor Location-Based Service market is growing—fast. This means you won’t just see beacons in malls but, most likely, in places like hospitals where beacons increase operational efficiency and help track assets. The global indoor LBS market is expected to experience a CAGR of almost 45% in hospitals by 2020.


500 million beacons
Perhaps the most famous of all beacon statistics: ABI Research forecasts that the overall Bluetooth LE beacon market will break 500 million units by 2021. Remember five years ago when beacons didn’t even exist? Those times are gone forever.

ABI Research
bluetooth beacon statistics

365% ROI

Macy’s, Target, and other super-sized retailers are crushing it with Bluetooth beacons. But what about the small- and medium-sized retailers? Are they doomed to fall behind? Actually operating profits in these area can grow by 8% and reach an ROI of 365%.


80% of airports
The annual Airport IT Trends Survey covers everything airports, and they’re findings prove the skies are ready for beacon tools. In fact, the survey of 223 airports found that 80% will be using beacons to provide way-finding services.
><br><strong>1/5th the cost</strong></p><p>Here’s my favorite number. Remember reading about the booming growth in hospitals and asset tracking? Here’s the thing: Bluetooth beacons are just about the most affordable tool available for numerous <a href=RTLS solutions. Due to the inherent nature of Bluetooth (it’s efficiency, it’s penetration rates) Bluetooth-based RTLS solutions have been found to be 1/5th the cost of those made with competing solutions.

More amazing and mind-boggling numbers are popping up each day. Do you have a favorite beacon statistic? Incredible new metrics? Unexpected study results? Let us know!

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