Apple managed to create quite the head-start for itself through the iBeacon brand. While Google and others tried to get NFC off the ground, Apple managed to change the course of the tech industry by launching a new Beacon industry based on its iBeacon standard.
While Android devices are technically capable of using Beacons (as long as Bluetooth Smart is available), they were still lagging behind the built-in abilities already introduced with iOS 7 devices in 2013.
Well, the markets have spoken, and Google has finally made its response apparent with the coming launch of Google Nearby. Sure it’s part branding, but there are also some technical advancements that will surely please Android developers.
From a developer’s point-of-view, Google Nearby is rumoured bring it’s location and proximity aware capabilities at least on par with (or better than) Apple’s iOS platform. In either case this will be just the beginning of creating a “beacosystem” in an increasingly connected world.
We can now also gladly say – welcome to the party Google!
Read more about Google Nearby and how it works here.